We decided to get rid of the cat and get a robot instead. Before that, there was a Chinese China that lacked a central location, making it difficult to access. When we aren't at home, we use a timer to kick off each day. Sometimes the robot will sense the bathroom's threshold, but other times it won't. So, they frequently discovered him defecating in the bathroom, which he was unable to leave because it was 6 cm lower than the rest of the apartment. We responded by purchasing yet another digital barrier. He empties nearly an entire dust bag every day. The domestic cat has a luxurious coat. There is a marked decrease in furniture dust. I have occasional bouts of "floor washing," which are really just the collecting of dust with a damp towel. But as a daily choice to consider. I wouldn't turn on the water, no matter how much the floors swelled, if the laminate was a class lower than 33.