I've always been looking for a backpack that can be used both as a handbag and as an everyday backpack for outdoor activities. I also didn't want to pay for an expensive Kanken or risk buying a cheap faux leather case. Then I found this bag! It's nylon and the stitching is nicer than you'd expect at this price point. It easily fits a DSLR, a light sweater, a phone, a wallet, a small water bottle, and a few other small items. I wore the backpack outside all day and it was quite comfortable and I never realized that the shoulder straps bothered me. The straps are adjustable and I found the backpack sat at a good angle to my back. Little things I don't like about the bag: - Ugly gray inner lining - The zippers are made of plastic and don't slide as smoothly as on a Jansport backpack, for example. - Won't fit a MacBook Pro (it's not a laptop case, just wish there was a slightly larger version) - Water bottle pockets won't fit most refillable bottles (again, I wish there was a slightly larger version). I am pleasantly surprised by this bag. I had some reservations about buying a generic brand but this bag is definitely worth the small price tag.
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