I love how easy it is to use for employers as well! You can give each of your team members their own logins that they just have all be able touse at any time - no waiting around or having someone else help them get started with this product!! Also really appreciate being notified when there are sales going through (which you may not even realize were happening) so i know what my best options would potentially look like if something pops up in pricing before our next scheduled payment cycle date comes along again :) nothing specifically but overall great experience using salary finance. We've been very happy customers since first trying out Salefinance back during open enrollment last year-it's simple enoughtotake care off payroll processing without needing much involvement from HR/payroll department once implemented by employer.- The benefits include easeofuse & flexibility wenumbers changeover times between job changes / promotions etc.; quick turnaroundtimesfor approvals which has made.