I have another timer, almost the same, but it's battery operated, doesn't charge and doesn't have a built in stand. But DAS has a good magnet and holds very well on the control panel of my oven. This one has a weak magnet. The biggest complaint, however, is how difficult it is to turn the ring. If it's a magnet, you can't attach it without both hands. Even on a counter with a stand, it tends to tip over when set up. The spinning ring is MUCH stiffer than the other one I have. Also, the light dims a little after a few seconds, so if you want to bring the light back up to full brightness, you'll need both hands to turn the ring again. On the other hand, pressing the start/stop button while running when it's weak restores the brightness a bit without stopping it. This is what stops the timer. The only way to bring back the brightness for a while is to rotate the ring. I appreciate the rechargeable feature and kickstand but this won't stay here, I'll give it to someone else who doesn't have it. better seen and appreciated and I will stick to my original.
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