I really wanted to like it but sent it back. Here's the breakdown. GoodIt's small and battery powered, which is amazing. Looks great too. Poor On the lowest setting, you won't even notice air escaping. It's very low power at the lowest setting and I don't think it really filters anything. I mean yes it does something, but enough for it to matter? Probably no. If you increase the fan level, it gets significantly louder. At the highest level, it's like a full-blown gaming laptop fan. It's insanely loud! It's finally moving enough air to be filtered, but I couldn't stand the sound outside the plane. It doesn't work on your side of the bed or just in the car with you like I intended. Because it's so small it has a filter zone, so it has to be close to you, but that also means you have to deal with a very loud fan. It's an odd compromise and probably can't be helped given its size.
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