These bags are awesome. They last much longer and don't wear out like regular plastic bags. I've been using them for over 6 months and they're still just as good. No crashes or major flaws. However, I found that they are not waterproof (tried to use 5" x 7" bags to make ice packs which started leaking if held upside down. Besides not being waterproof, are a great option for storage especially for batteries and rubber bands, medicines, small cords, mints etc etc. These are 3" pockets. The larger pockets I have used to hold power cords, small first aid kits, to store tools etc. Plenty of room, they will stand up to the wear and tear and abuse for a long time Now back to the idea of buying large 10" x 12" bags to store some of the larger items in the camping system.
ClearBags 9 X 15 Door Hanger Bags (1000 Bags) For Door Knob Flyers Promotions Coupons Clear Plastic Poly Hanging Bags For Mail Newspaper Bags With Hangers Protect Against Rain, Dirt, & Bugs DK4
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2000 Clear Reclosable 1 Inch X 1 Inch Zipper Bags By IMBAPrice
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100-Pack Of 2.5" X 3" Clear Reclosable Zip Poly Bags With 4 Mil Thickness And Resealable Lock Seal By IMBAPrice
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Get Organized With 100 Clear Resealable Zip Bags (8"X10" 2 Mil) From Halulu
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📦 Perforated Stickers Packaging for Cushioning during Shipping
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💎 Luxury Air Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - Fuxury Bubble Roll
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💨 Fuxury Blue Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - 2 Rolls, 72 Feet Total: Protect and Secure with Air Bubble Technology!
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📦 6X10 Inch Pouches for Secure Cushioning in Shipping Supplies
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