This handbag is of very high quality. I'm really impressed by its beauty. I have many bags that range from $300 to $2000 and this is by far the best quality. The color of the handbag is dark brown with reddish brown raised flowers. I have included photos of this Louis Vuitton Artsy monogrammed bag and a black Henri Bendel bag for color accuracy. The handbag I bought was called brown. I have no complaints about the beauty and quality of this handbag other than that the shoulder strap appears to be PVC rather than the beautiful leather that this handbag is made of. Despite the disappointment with the shoulder strap, the bag itself is worth $185, which I no doubt paid for it. For size comparison, I'm attaching two photos with the 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper in front of the purse. It looks like my photos are upside down. I hope they are still useful.
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