Great bags. was $80 instead of $100 when I ordered but would still buy at that price. You should better promote some features, so I will list some of them. These bags have LOCKS! BUT you can easily undo the straps. Stupid I know But considering how little sense it makes, I think he might fool the casual thief. You can still cut through skin with a knife, so I'm still glad I have it. If you have valuables in it, just use the quick release buckle and carry them around. It's also easy to break the plastic clip they're on. Cords and heat-resistant padding are attached to the metal D-rings on the back of the saddles. The laces are used to attach the bag to the bike. Could have worked but I added a few small bungee cords to each for a tighter fit. I didn't have to buy any brackets or anything, I just attached it to various spots on my CB750. The saddles are quite big. Actually, one side had to be raised higher than the other to avoid the exhaust pipe. In my opinion, it actually looks better. Place a small A-frame tent and a lightweight sleeping bag in one and leave room. The other pockets are also excellent, although bungees have also been used for stabilization. One of them has a retractable metal mount, but there's no fastener to attach it - it probably wasn't included in the kit. This particular bag (the smallest) I have no idea where to put it even if I had a bar counter. Durability doesn't seem to be a problem for me. The bottom of the saddles have a harder plastic finish on the inside and small pockets for small items which I will add. Double stitching everywhere. They only had them for a week but drove a couple of hours down the freeway and had no problems. The only problem is that I can't find a place to put all the bags without a bar! But that's my fault.
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