Some people reviewing these filters call them Apec. While they are compatible filters, they are not made under the Apec brand and are made by Alton. I have a ROES-50 Apec reverse osmosis system and have bought branded filters for about $75-$80 a set. I noticed a little over half of them and thought I'd give them a run. I usually change all 5 filters once a year. Yes, I know you can get more out of a reverse osmosis membrane and the carbon should be replaced sooner, but a year is enough for me. On arrival, one of the activated carbon filters had its packaging broken open and the top ripped off. The shipping box didn't look damaged but I suspect it was thrown away. I didn't want to use glue to stick it back on so I just pushed it back open and pushed it into the filter housing. My complete filter set was last changed at the end of December 2018. I upgraded to an Alton set today (New Year 2020 so just over a year with Apec branded filters so just over a year with Apec branded filters. I took TDS readings and attached photos). Normal untreated tap water is 257. My old filters read 017 prior to replacement. So an overall deviation of 93%, which is still awesome given the year of use (maybe I should have just gotten 3 basic filters from Apec to improve the flavor.) I replaced all the old Apec filters and put in new Filter Alton (full set of 5). the water became a thin stream. I ran another TDS and got 78 with Alton filters. It's only 70% bounce. Below 90% is considered bad. Yes the filters are on the correct flow path, yes the cup has been rinsed and completely emptied every time. All of the Alton filters seemed to be a good fit, but the activated carbon filter on the AP brand EC has a screen that Alton doesn't have. I don't think it matters, but I wanted to point that out. I'll bleed the tank a few more times and call Alton support if the efficiency stays at 70%. Unfortunately, half savings means no savings if the product does not remove contaminants. Given the radium in my well water, I want as much filtration as possible. This corresponds to an 87% deviation from the original 257 TDS. I ended up buying branded APEC filters and replacing the reverse osmosis membrane leaving only the other Alton filters in place. Using an Apec brand reverse osmosis membrane, he delivered 16 TDS or 94% rejection after an initial tank rinse. Over 90% is considered good. I will use it this way for 6 months and then install other Apec filters to finish the year. I will now use branded filters and consider this a $40 loss. Perhaps your conclusions will be different. Much luck.
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