These shoes are similar to sneakers, but more like boots. Lace is mostly decorative. Oh, they could make the shoes tighter, but then the laces have to be untied to be able to put the shoes on or off because there isn't a separate "tongue" like sneakers, so there's not much room around the shoes to loosen or tighten. These shoes are a solid shell around the foot, like boots without buckles. Taking them off is easier than putting your feet in. The loop above the heel is REQUIRED to put on the shoes. If the laces are loose enough to put the shoes on easily, then they are too loose. If I practice and try different things, I might get the best lace tension to put these shoes on without having to re-tie the laces. Attributes I like: They are all black (not with white soles) and a thick one-piece sole would be waterproof to the top of the sole. The outsole profile provides good grip. The "lump" of the sole on the back can help them be more stable. The on and off feature makes them more convenient than having to re-lace them every time like running shoes require, but if I tighten the laces to keep them securely on the foot, the shoes will be difficult to take off. The attribute I dislike the most is that they look awkward.
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