This is my second time buying this bag which I have never done before. I love big bags and they have to be cute and heavy. These two things never seem to go together, no matter how much money I spend. I carry a lot in my big bags so they should be able to handle it. Honestly, ladies who buy a really big bag to carry around a few small lightweight things? Not me. So I always had bags that were torn and mostly with straps somewhere. I went from cheap to super expensive and it never made a difference. I think I noticed this bag last year and thought given the price I'd give it a try. Let me tell you this is the most durable bag I have ever owned. It was my last, probably, year and he was still holding out like a champ. It's crazy to be honest, but I only had to throw it out because I spilled a protein shake on it and no cleaning could stop it smelling. So I was looking for a new bag because I just don't like staying on the same thing for too long. I LOVE the size and shape of this bucket bag and tried to find something similar but couldn't. Most of the ones I found were too small. I really wanted a two tone bag, maybe with a chain or split chain strap, but unfortunately I couldn't find one that big. So I chose the same bag in a different color and I love it. While it doesn't look like it's worth a thousand dollars, it doesn't look like it's worth anything like twenty either. I get a lot of compliments on this bag from women of all ages so I think it's really going to be the best fit. If you are a woman looking for a stylish and durable bag, I promise this is the one for you. I just wish they would come up with new colors and maybe a very similar style with a few differences to make it last well but look fresh. I'm ready for a new look but I just can't justify spending money on another bag that will break when I find out how good this one is!
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