Despite Lrady Online Store's assurances that they stock the latest trends at affordable prices, I was unsatisfied with my order. Both the prices and the styles on their website were extremely high and unappealing. The things I bought were more expensive than they would have been at other internet shops. It seemed as though Lrady was attempting to take advantage of its customers by advertising falsely low prices. Further, Lrady's much-touted "newest styles" fell far short of expectations. The patterns were uninspired, and I found identical products elsewhere for much less money. Lrady's support team was slow to respond and offered no solutions to the problems I was having. I felt ignored and frustrated because I asked for help and didn't get an answer. In general, I would not suggest Lrady Online Store to anyone in search of trendy, high-quality apparel at a fair price. Because of their deceptive pricing and lackluster styles, they are not recommended for the discerning buyer.