You are required to compose testimonials. not on the second day of using the new equipment, but after a year, like mine, having cooled down with joy) On the screen, from below, a green spot appeared, and I have no idea where it came from; either the marriage felts, or the son dropped. In a nutshell, it's so offensive that it brings tears ((( The colors that are reproduced by the camera are a complete and utter nightmare. It changes colors from warm to cool; for example, the red lipstick in the picture converted into an orange color. Not good. Memory in 16 gigabytes is just frustrating! I was getting sick of moving everything from my phone to my memory card, and then from my memory card to my laptop. It was giving me hemorrhoids! Since the addition of the protective glass, the screen's responsiveness has become unacceptably poor. There are occasions when you have to click on the same location multiple times. In a nutshell, dial the third number!
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