Our Daughter was so excited when she saw that we ordered this skateboard for her. Between the colors and the design, she would have been perfectly content with the board even if it didn't light up. So she was really blown away once she started to ride it, and saw that the wheels light up. I wasn't too sure about the asking price at first, but when you get the skateboard, you realize why it costs that much. It's just a really good quality. It was designed well, so it's going to last for years. The wheels roll smoothly, our Little Girl glides over smoother surfaces. And unlike certain scooters we've owned with light-up wheels, the wheels on this light up even if you aren't going especially fast. Some of these scooter wheels, you have to go full speed just to see them light up.Is there anything I'd change about it? Actually, just one, and it wasn't a big deal. They do wrap it in an extra layer of plastic. You can't quite get all of it from under the trucks. Unless you actually remove the trucks. Not a huge deal, nothing that really bothered me, but worth mentioning. Other than that, I'd say order it if you know a child that would really like something like this.
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