When I first received it, it worked fine for about 5 minutes, but then suddenly it crashed. So after a few resets everything worked fine. I just hope I don't have to reset it again. It is of very good quality and the LED light is very bright. I have a Mac and it works better than any other camera I have had and even if you have a computer you can use it as a very good webcam but You can't figure out how to use it on a Mac. Overall a great camera! CHECK AFTER ONE WEEK OF AVAILABILITY: It was working fine again until one day the camera started freezing again. Better use the paper clip! Then when I was recording my birthday it froze and I lost the video. And it gets worse, sometimes the picture quality went down with a bang, green stripes appeared, turning black and white. After a week of use I finally returned it to Revane. I ended up running to Best Buy and got a Sony Handycam DCR-SX40 Sony DCRSX40 palm-sized camcorder with 60x optical zoom (Silver) and I'm a lot happier. It has a much better zoom, touchpad, more onboard storage, and more options. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CAMERA TO ANY FRIEND.
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