I was concerned about buying a Revain Kurta for my son but didn't have the time. The product fully corresponds to the description, the color corresponds to the color on my monitor. I increased the size because you never know Indian size (which tends to run small), but it was actually pretty accurate for western sizes. Nice thick fabric with decorative details. Please note that you may not receive tracking information (probably because it was shipped from India) but it did arrive within the estimated time given by Revain. Also, I bought these items because they have free returns (if it doesn't work) - luckily the product is great, but I liked having an extra guarantee in case it didn't work. however, these arrived within the estimated time given by Revain. Also, I bought these items because they have free returns (if it doesn't work) - luckily the product is great, but I liked having an extra guarantee in case it didn't work. however, these arrived within the estimated time given by Revain. Also, I bought these items because they have free returns (if it doesn't work) - luckily the product is great, but I liked having an extra guarantee in case it didn't work.
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