I've been using it for about a month. So far, mobile radars have not come across. GPS signal finds instantly. Works just fine on fixed cameras. The cordon catches both by marks and by the radar part. Avtodoriya notifies the points of the beginning and end of the measurement. Those. if you get only to the end point of the measurement, it is silent, which is logical. There is a configurable speed threshold, below which it does not bother. The most important requirements were unobtrusiveness and silence in urban conditions. I rarely get fines anyway, the radar is needed for additional confidence. The previous Cobra 710 radar detector turned off after a month of use, in the city it constantly reacted to the passage of railway bridges, tram lines, power lines past which I drive to work every day. On the highway, he reacted sharply to oncoming trucks, apparently equipped with walkie-talkies. Whistler has no such problems. False positives happen, but they are very short and insignificant. Now we have begun to install fewer KRISs, because. the whole city was hung with stationary cameras and radiating dummies. I will try to supplement the review as soon as I test the radar on other cameras.
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