First of all, the bag looks classic, is durable and spacious. The zippers are sturdy and easy to open and close with one hand. I don't have a laptop; What I have is a long line of failed women's handbags that are either thrown away or donated depending on their condition. This bag is perfect for the amount of stuff I carry around all day with a great layout that isn't too big or claustrophobic and I can grab everything quickly without having to fumble around. I'm so tired of hobo style shoulder bags and expensive wallets with too many compartments don't have depth for bigger things. This bag has two main internal compartments. In the padded laptop compartment I have a small 5 x 7 shoulder bag on the left that holds 3 pairs of reading glasses (I pull out this bag when I just need my phone, money, glasses and keys for an event or restaurant). To the right of this is my 6x8 magazine standing upright, but it also easily fits on its side, so these two items should give you an idea of package dimensions. I could definitely cram more into this section, but I don't like cramping the space. The other long inner compartment holds my full size wallet with check book (yes, that lady is me), plus cosmetic pouch, hairbrush, masks, hair ties, spare car keys, small packet of tissues. There is also a small zippered pocket inside; I currently have tea bags and stevia in it. I keep documents, invoices, postage, etc. in the large zip pocket on the outside of the bag – almost like my mobile desk; Lots of space. On the front of the bag there is a large zipped pocket on the flap which is for my phone and keys which I want instant access to (there is a lot more room in this bag but I don't want to put too much weight on the flap or opening and closing the bag would be awkward). Unfold the flap and underneath there are two more smaller zippered sections; the downstairs is my little pharmacy with painkillers, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, plasters and so on; Holds 8-10 pocket sized items. Behind that zippered pocket at the top is a deeper pocket that I put more personal items in that I don't need for the world to see. When the bag is full, the side profile of the bag looks more like a tall triangle as the bottom expands with my stuff. It also allows it to stand on its own when I park it. Some reviewers found this undesirable. I think it's good manners if we call it a women's bag. Curb weight is a bit more than my lighter wallets, but it's functional enough that I really don't care. I also don't care, like some reviewers do, that the strap isn't padded. The adjustable strap is wide, thick, durable, and quite comfortable, especially since the strap is big enough to use as a crossbody bag. I like the pen holders on one side and agree that the bottle sleeve is small on the other but a slim bottle fits. I love this particular find so much I have already bought a second bag in the same color to have as a spare if it runs out in ten years and this is my guess as to when I will need to replace it. If you've read through this entire review, you should probably get this bag. For the price this is the perfect little gem. Oh, and don't be fooled by how huge the bag looks on the man in the photo - either this guy is tiny or the bag they're showing isn't the right one. My bag is 13 inches wide, 12 inches high and 6 inches deep. Just look at the ruler to see if it would look good on you!
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