Bike grows with you, holds up to 50lbs. My granddaughter is 38 pounds and 3 years old. This bike is on the small side, maybe bigger for a 1 or 2 year old. Don't focus on your child's weight, focus on their height. I give guidelines in inches so no one makes my mistake, don't focus on the weight but focus on the size. So for maximum height 6 inches off the ground, the bike seat can be lowered to 9 inches, meaning it's not too far off the ground. When you order it, keep the box and keep it for as long as possible in case it doesn't fit and you have to send it back. But in general you like the design, the ease of assembly, the choice of colors and you can customize it yourself. My granddaughter loves it, unfortunately I can't return mine as I threw away the box.
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