Cons: They are not as sharp, clear or neutral as the bags I usually use and have unprofessional looking "seams" around the edges. Also, some of them were crumpled in their shipping packaging (they were sent very loose in a large box), but I think I received some extras, maybe for that reason. I have no reason to believe that the seller would refuse to return it if I insisted. Pros: The price was great and there were many sizes to choose from. It was a size I couldn't get locally. And the quality is right for my particular purpose, although I might be a little embarrassed offering my usual artwork in it as it almost looks like something I may have just tried to make myself. The seals are actually pretty good.
🎃 120pcs Halloween Cellophane Treat Bags - DIYDEC Halloween Candy Goodies Bags with 130pcs Twist Tie Pack for Halloween Party Favors
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🎁 Convenient 20-Pack Clear Basket Bags with Pull Bows - Ideal Packaging Set for 10 Cellophane Wrap Bags and 10 Ribbon Bows
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100 Clear Resealable Cellophane Bags 6x9 inches | Ideal for Bakery, Candle, Soap, and Cookie Packaging - UNIQUEPACKING
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🎁 Cellophane Gift Bags – Bundle of 10 Clear Basket Bags, 12" x 18", 1.2 Mil Thick, Ideal for Small Baskets and Gifts
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🎁 Christmas Drawstring Gift Bags: 22PCS Xmas Goodies Assorted Styles for Wrapping Gifts at Christmas Party
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CCINEE Christmas Giant Wrapping String
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TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support feet on the side, waterproof, wear-resistant, 52 l, size S, dark blue
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🎁 Hallmark 15 Inch Extra Large Birthday Gift Bag with Tissue Paper (Happy B-Day, Black and Silver)
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