These are 107 pieces of ephemeral material, and they repeat over and over again from large, medium to small, and not enough of what I was looking for. It's not varied. We all want something like us or something similar. That didn't happen with this mix. If I knew where to look and how to do it, I would make a better mix. You get the same numbers over and over again. Towards the end and three thirds of the way I found what I was looking for and only three and only one woman, ONE, not a happy tourist. However the quality is there but not even enough variety in what they do but I will use them.
Keep Your Cricut Safe On-The-Go With KGMCARE Waterproof Carrying Bag
14 Review
Waterproof Cricut Carrying Bag In Purple - Perfect For Cricut Explore Air And Maker Supplies
18 Review
Upgrade Your Cutting Game With 40PCS 60 Degree Deep Cut Replacement Blades Compatible With Cricut Explore Air 2/3/Maker Expression, Ideal For Cutting Thick Vinyl Fabrics With Precision
17 Review
Purple KGMCARE Double-Layer Carrying Bag For Cricut Explore Air And Maker - Travel Tote For Cutting Machine & Supplies
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Coolrunner Mixed Food Resin Flatback Kawaii Cabochons Decoden (60) - Adorable Assortment of Miniature Treats for DIY Crafts and Decor Projects
9 Review
💎 100 Pack of Assorted Colorful Adhesive Stick-On Heart, Star, and Round Shaped Jewel Gems for Arts & Crafts, Themed Party Decorations, Children's Activities - Super Z Outlet
7 Review
Easter Egg Decoration Kit: Lot of 5 Heat Shrink Wrap Sleeve with Flowers and Icons for 35 Eggs
8 Review
🧲 Enhanced Magnetic Large: Basic 8 Inch to 32 Inch Size for Optimal Performance
9 Review