First, I love purses and handbags. I love her! I have dozens of expensive leather bags representing every high-end designer imaginable. I have bought bags in Spain, Italy and other countries known for their excellent leather goods. But this bag... THIS BAG... is perfect. Unlike my favorite leather bags, this one is lightweight and easy to carry all day. Unlike my gorgeous canvas bags, this one is durable and allows me to organize everything I need, including my iPad mini and flashlight (ladies, never leave home without them!). What this bag lacks in designer style and panache, it more than makes up for in practicality and sheer smarts. I travel a lot, both for work and pleasure, and this bag is a REAL BAG! is the best everyday and travel bag, accommodating just about everything you need on a plane, for a stroll down the Champs-ElysΓ©es or just for a visit to the local supermarket. I've stopped changing bags daily to match my outfits and instead only carry one of the three colors of this bag that live in my closet. Don't get me wrong, the other bags in my extensive international designer collection are works of art and I love them. But like art, I think I'll hang them on my walls gallery style. This bag - THIS BAG - will forever remain my favorite bag because it is light yet strong. Eventually I will buy every color. By the way: This is a very attractive bag in itself. If you can't make every outfit look amazing, reconsider your outfit.
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Women'S Leather Crossbody Phone Wallets With Card Slots - Stylish Clutch Purse By Lecxci
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