The origin of the product is a legitimate concern for some buyers and therefore part of the purchasing decision. A seller who intentionally misleads a buyer cannot be trusted. I would like to know where the product is made. Let's be honest. Most of us had to buy cheap crap from China and regret the purchase. The Chinese are quite capable of making great products; However, most often we receive fakes of American or European products, which are nothing more than low-quality fakes. In this case, the product is well made, strong and serves its purpose. But the seller decided to wave the American flag everywhere and even sew it on the product to trick the buyer into asking a higher price. The "Made in America" claim is ridiculous; like a team of American engineers had worked for months to get it right. Nonsense. it's a belt! I needed the belts because I was in a bind or they would come back. Since I can't return them, here's what I did - threw them straight into the bin.
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