This lovely bag is a good size although bigger is better. However, if you get a lot bigger than this beautiful handlebar bag, it means that you have a huge bag behind you, which can also be a bit difficult to attach securely to the motorcycle. This bag came with a set of drawstrings/cords meant to attach/secure it to the crossbar, but I ended up getting some canvas straps and a canvas bungee cord to secure the bag. to a sissy bar. This configuration just felt a lot more secure and seemed to pull the bag tighter against the bar as opposed to the included laces/ties which felt too slick and didn't pull through the holes seen on the back as much . side edges of the bag. This bag has room for a small number of items, although I wouldn't expect to fit much more than say a pint milk jug or something. (In fact, you could probably stuff two half-gallon jugs side-by-side, but that'll push things around.) Worth the purchase price, and it's nice to have something that works when rolling for a small crowd.
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