The bit is sharp and well balanced. Always use a very low speed, e.g. B. 2 out of 5. Only in the router table and only if the router and table are a safe match. It produces a lot, and I mean a lot of vibration. If your table and support system isn't better than average you'll run into problems like: the router lock will vibrate and the router will slide into the table to remove the bearing from your jig = gouges and flying wood. There is then a chance that the vibration will loosen the screws that attach the router to the platen in the table. The router falls on the table, ripping up everything it touches as you run while protecting your eyes and fumbling for the power button. Yes! It happened to me and the beat was destroyed. I bought another one because nobody else makes router bits that heavy. No problem now that I know how to use Thread Loc.