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Review on Comerica Incorporated by Jorge Hernández

Revainrating 4 out of 5

a long-standing bank that boosts your personal finances and your business

There are many financial institutions in the world; but there are very few that manage to remain in the market with an impeccable and avant-garde track record.
Comerica is a banking corporation that was born in Dallas but has spread to several cities in the United States, Mexico and Canada.
Comerica's mission is to provide commercial and financial services to both individuals and small businesses and large corporations.
The most interesting thing about the services offered by the Comerica branch network is that they are adjusted to the financing needs of its clients. Regardless of the size of your resources Comerica has a financial solution for every type of customer.
Its most important business services include:
• Financial intermediation to manage bank loans to individuals, government entities, small and large companies
• Custody of savers' assets
• Currency management
• Asset management
• Credit services in various modalities, including letters and lines of financing, commercial and international loans
These are the main financial products offered by this bank; which allows us to highlight that they have a totally inclusive philosophy that encompasses all sectors of society, whether natural, governmental or legal.
Although the financial institution is not yet present in many places; the offices that are operational offer a range of services that are quite attractive to their clients.

  • Serves as a financial intermediary to grant funds to individuals and businesses
  • Allows companies and individuals to deposit their funds in a company with a track record.
  • Its services are aimed at various sectors
  • Its services are adjusted to the needs of small companies and large corporations
  • It has commercial offices in several cities in the US and Mexico
  • It does not have offices worldwide

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March 07, 2021
As I mentioned in the next paragraph, this virus has affected the economy very negatively and caused many people to lose their salaries and even have consequences such as people losing their jobs. This program provides a reduction in salaries or financial support to people who are laid off, making the later payment plan very flexible and user-friendly. This move is quite successful.

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