We have already ordered storage bags from this seller. These bags were of high quality and well designed. Unfortunately, when we tried to re-order the bags from our previous order, they were out of stock. These bags from the same vendor vary in quality or durability and are much more difficult to maneuver. They lack the structure of previous bags and are made from thinner materials. Considering the quality and durability of previous storage bags, these are very disappointing.
Shoe container HOMSU Premium HOM-1134, 38x140x9.5 cm, 6 pcs., transparent
12 Review
ERA Accents 30 Closet Dividers for Clothing Rack β 30 Pieces in 10 Assorted Colors, Clothing Rack Size Dividers, Closet Organizer/Hanger Separator Divides Clothing Rod by Size. Includes Marking Pen
12 Review
10 Pack of Medium Non-Woven Fabric Drawstring Bags for Dustproof Handbag Storage Organization and Dust Cover
11 Review
Organize Your Home with Joyoldelf Storage Bins - Set of 3 Foldable Cloth Organizers with Handles and Lids
11 Review
Organize Your Garage And Garden With NZACE Adjustable 48 Inch Wall Storage System
30 Review
ONMIER Wall Mounted Mop And Broom Holder - 5 Positions & 6 Hooks For Garden, Garage Storage
27 Review
Organize And Declutter Your Cords With LuBanSir Extension Cord Holder - 9 Pack Hook And Loop Organizer Hanger For Home, Shop, RV, Boat, Garden, Garage Storage
24 Review
Aluminum Medium Duty Storage Shelving With Dual Post Design And Press Board Shelves - 48 X 18 X 72 Inches By Amazon Basics
34 Review