This product was amazingly difficult to purchase, there are so many different types and all reviews are mixed. I took a chance with this stretchy lycra and I usually only have 2 cards that I carry, sometimes 3. I have a leather bag and this bag fits well but not very well. The phone will heat up while charging, causing the de-sticking and the case to separate from the case, but that's not a problem if you're careful. The lycra keeps the cards secure and will last after a few months. Big. It holds the cards securely enough that I can pull them out by squeezing them with my fingertip, allowing me to quickly pull them out when needed. Works great with my wireless charger, either empty or with 2 cards in it. I've read that the wireless charger can damage cards, so I usually take out the cards before putting them in the stand, but if I forget, they work fine. I don't usually carry cash, but if I have to I can fold it and all. in this case no problem. I usually carry my phone in my front pocket and I don't even notice this case and it doesn't get stuck when I put it in or take it out. Overall a great purchase and it comes with two pouches. If one wears out, I have a spare.
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