Thomas, the first thing there was a washing vacuum cleaner, and it was awful. I ultimately chose to take Dyson after spending a lot of time choosing. It cleans by five or more, has excellent power, and surprisingly enough, I utilize the brushes. Given that we vacuum every two to three days, the charge lasts for a week and a half. When you can move the unit without dragging the cord, hose, or even those items, it is quite convenient. If you assume beforehand that you need to obtain a vacuum cleaner, all the stray to it, there is already no desire to vacuum, but then he took it with one hand and rapidly walked everywhere, it takes up a third less space than usual and saves time for cleaning. Nothing flies out of the dust collector when it is taken out twice. A word or two about the subtleties. First of all, it is difficult to vacuum between pieces of furniture that are close to walls and the wall itself since the dust collector won't let you push it; you will need to shift the furniture if necessary. Of course, the fear of water comes in second. Thirdly, I frequently push the power button unintentionally. Fourthly, it is true that the weight is not quite balanced, but this is a talent that can be learned. I have gotten the knack of holding it slightly at an angle rather than straight up and down to prevent hand fatigue. Fifthly, and this is probably just my bzik, but I find the vacuum cleaner's sound to be reminiscent of a dentist's drill. In any event, I advise buying the vacuum cleaner because it is priceless. My cat is finally comfortable with this vacuum for the first time. P. Since I haven't used any other cordless vacuums, there isn't much to compare them to.