To build a computer (N. B.: that would satisfy my needs for playing such powerful projects as: Battlefield 3, Assassin's Creed, Max Payne, GTA IV) requires a considerable amount of money. I realized: "why not buy a game console?". I started looking for video comparisons, testing both consoles, collecting product reviews. I settled on PS3, because I was attracted by the presence of a Blu-Ray drive, the appearance, the lack of a subscription to online services (with the exception of PSNetwork +, which is useless to me). Tested it on projects: God of War, Battlefield 3, Heavy Rain, Max Payne, Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Euphoria from the purchase disappeared instantly! Video output in 720p resolution, 2022 graphics in all games hurts the eyes, long texture rendering. I will say one thing about the controller: you can get used to it! We get: 1) For 11'000 - as they say on the forums - "low-cut soapy movie". 2) An army of consolers (on both sides), claiming the superiority of exclusives over any games in general. 3) A good thing for relaxing, on the couch (not crouching in front of the monitor), with friends (!). 4) Expensive games, inferior in quality to computer games. Conclusion: the console cannot replace the PC! And I stopped playing altogether!