professional; The design of this bag is the reason I chose it. I'm not a fan of lined pockets. They tend to detach from the packaging, become covered with holes, or simply tear. This particular bag has no lining inside. It has an inner pocket that is handy for your cell phone. It also comes with a very large pouch with a strap that can be used as a wallet. The bag also has clasps to keep it secure in the bag. The bag surprised me with the presence of an inside pocket with a zipper, as well as several small patch pockets. The shoulder strap that comes with the bag can be used on the bag itself if you prefer the shoulder strap over the handle, but the handle is actually very handy. I love that this bag opens and closes with a magnetic button. So you can easily put items in the bag and take them out again when needed. No need to fiddle with zippers or try to move something to see something else, it's all very convenient. I also like that the bag is easy to clean, just wipe and you're done. The color of the bag is about the same as on the website, maybe a little lighter. More like cognac than brown. Personally, I prefer cognac anyway, so that suits me well. Overall this is a really cute bag that looks more expensive than it is. minuses; The case will be packed in a dust cover and shrink-wrapped in plastic, then the whole device will be sent in a plastic bag (not in the box). It's very flat, it's hard to tell what it is. When you open the bag, you practically have to "pull it off". This will not damage the bag in any way as it is an oiled material. The sound and feel of opening is just awful. What's worse is the smell. yes, smell It has a very, very strong chemical smell. Almost diesel. This is not a deal breaker as the bag can be aired out, the bag has a stronger odor for some reason but a little spray/perfume and airing will get rid of it. It's just not what you think when you buy a new handbag. Size is my biggest problem. I measured before buying because I need a big bag. I take everything with me to work. an iPad, a large journal, a cell phone, a novel, a bag of pens, notepads, chewing gum, etc. This bag is not the size of my large Steve Madden bag. It's not a small bag but I think it's larger than average. I'm still trying to downsize my purse, so that's enough for now. The included bag is almost the same size as the bag itself. This means it's really difficult to put other items in the bag when using the included bag. I probably won't use that. The material of the bag and pouch is oiled. You have an oily feeling which I hope will go away. It makes the bag shiny and it's just weird imho. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on the bag. I hope this helps anyone looking at this particular bag. Basically I like the bag very much. It's cute, it goes with everything and it has a unique look. Looks expensive even though it's cheap. I would recommend it to anyone looking to switch from a regular bag to a large bag as it's not big but it's larger than most bags.
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