These bags are pretty close to what I was expecting they are a little narrower but taller than I expected. I'm also hoping that they hold up as well as they seem like they will. I'm not real crazy about the feel of them but if they're half as durable as they seem like they should be I can live with that. They almost seem more dry and crinkly than I'm used to makes it feel almost like they are easier but then if you pull on him and take a close look it's there a lot thicker then they seem like at first so I'm hoping that means that they will hold up to almost anything only had a chance to use them a couple of times at this point but so far so good. That and the fact that they're huge and for a spring cleanup and for weeks that we've been working on my basement huge and durable are a necessity. We were actually able to empty all the garbage cans in the house and take two bags that had been left from cleaning up my garage that should have been thrown out the week before and placed both of them on top of everything from the garbage cans without them tearing and we are still able to tie them so so far I'm impressed
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