This is the biggest duffle bag I have ever seen! It’s absolutely enormous, which is what I was hoping for, as I intended to use it for our camping gear.It fits our tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, camping lanterns, portable fan, and more. I like how much easier it makes it to transport these numerous items, rather than carrying them individually.The bag has numerous handles on both sides and up top, including a pull-out telescoping handle concealed by a zip-up compartment. This is pretty convenient - giving you various ways to carry the bag or wheel it depending on how full it is, how awkward it is to carry, how difficult the terrain is to wheel it across, or which side is closest to you as you are unloading the car.There are two very large pockets on the outside for stowing away smaller items, as well as a large inner compartment along one side. It’s not the sort of bag where we usually keep a huge amount of smaller items, so the number of compartments provided is just right.I can’t speak to the long-term durability of the bag yet but so far, it seems fairly sturdy. I don’t see us using it as check-in luggage or anything of the sort - just mainly for putting gear in the back of our car and then transporting it from the car to our intended site, and it appears well-suited for that purpose.
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Travel In Style And Comfort With Gothamite 42-Inch Rolling Duffle Bag - The Ultimate Oversized Luggage And Hockey Bag With Heavy Duty Wheels
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💼 Expandable Organizer with Cosmetic Print Pockets
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