These were great cost-conscious bags to use for a project requiring about 50 bags. They arrive well packed and you wouldn't know there are 50 bags in the package unless you were the one who ordered them. They are nylon or some other synthetic material, so they are rather lightweight, but seem to fit the bill for an easy way to pack things in bulk. I couldn't see these being used as backpacks very effectively like the title suggests, but rather just a light drawstring bag that can hold a decent amount of items - maybe a shoebox size worth of cargo or slightly larger.
Men'S 10" IPad Travel School Small Canvas Messenger Bag Purse Shoulder Crossbody Bag Tablet Bag - Plambag
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Reflective Drawstring Backpacks In Bulk For Kids, Women, And Men - Perfect Cinch Bags With Extra Strings
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Travel In Style With The Grey Weekender Overnight Duffel Bag With Shoe Pocket For Men And Women
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Reflective Drawstring Backpacks In Bulk - Cinch Bags For Kids, Women And Men
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Loungefly Forest Print Cosmetic Case: STCB0101 - Perfect for Organizing Beauty Essentials!
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💼 Ultimate Vera Bradley Signature Cosmetic Organizer for Travel and Everyday Accessories
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👜 Waterproof Transparent Crossbody Bag with Adjustable Strap - Essential Travel Accessories
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💼 Expandable Organizer with Cosmetic Print Pockets
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