I like that the software gives you many options for creating your databases, as well as allows you to customize some features. You can also create custom queries or use other third party tools to add additional information to your database. You can choose from a list of predefined fields when uploading records. It would be nice if there were options available to save changes back into the same table, rather than having to export to another file format such as.txt. The software is user friendly and easy to operate. You won't have any problems using the product as long as you know how to navigate through the menus. Databees helps streamline my work process by putting all the important information onto one document. I like that we can create our own models for each of my clients, as well as easily edit them afterwards if needed. It's very easy to use once you get used to how things work in databeez, but there really isn't anything bad about this software at all (yet). If your looking into creating data-driven websites with WordPress or other CMS systems then look no further than using DataBeez Software because they have some great tutorials out there when setting up custom modules/data fields etc..