I have struggled with nighttime teeth grinding for about 10 years. I've tried so many different mouthguards. I literally spit most of them out in my sleep. I've noticed that I can't tolerate too much plastic in my mouth. So I've been looking for mouthguards with as little plastic as possible a couple of times and have come across mouthguards that I had to trim before modeling because they have too much plastic - they go too far behind the teeth, and also too high, digging in my gums. It sucks if you have to cut them because no matter what you do, the cut edge will be a little bit sharper. Eventually I realized that I was 20 times more comfortable with aligners on my bottom teeth than my top teeth, but for some reason all aligners advise sculpting the top teeth! In any case. For some reason I saw WOMEN's face masks for the first time. Guess I never thought of checking it out because all the other mouthguards I've tried definitely didn't say they were for MEN, although I think MEN are humans by default or something. How crazy that there is a company that thinks of us women! Wow! I am so happy with my purchase. I was immediately hooked as it had less plastic than any other mouthguard I've tried. I didn't even cut it! I still have it molded on my bottom teeth, not my top teeth. No questions. I slept on it for about a week. still happy :)
ГРАЙНДЩИЛД - Формируемый и обрезаемый защитный щит для стирания зубов
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