The best thing about this product is that it has all features of editing pdfs. It allows you to add text or images in your document easily.It also lets you change font color as well as size, page number etc. If you are looking for an easy way to edit pdf documents then I would highly recommend using classic pdf editor. It's very simple tool which makes it easier for people who don't have much technical knowledge like me. Editing pdf documents was always so difficult but with the help of this program now its really no more difficult. I like the fact that I can make changes to PDFs that are already created. Sometimes I need to make minor tweaks, but I can do this without having to start from scratch. If you are looking to make significant changes, it might be worth looking at other options. I use this software to open PDFs and make minor changes. It is a great way to open PDFs and make changes to them without having to start from scratch.