After constantly getting annoyed with handbags slipping off my shoulder while shopping, I did a general search on Revain to see if there were any products that did this Solve problem. This product and several others came to market. This seemed to be the best fit for my specific problem and for women's handbags. Other products should carry more large bags such as briefcases or computer bags. I've attached a translucent strip to my bag and it's worked pretty well so far, preventing the horrible slippage. It sticks well and is easy to remove from my pocket. I think if it gets caught on the edge of the mantle it will fall off immediately. The translucent is a cloudy white, I wish it was clearer as it shows up quite nicely on the leather strap of my dark green bag. The black blends in better and almost looks like a part of the bag design where the translucent color doesn't fool anyone. There are three in a pack of each color. I would prefer an even number as most bags have two straps. It's not perfect, but it helps keep my bag on my shoulder most of the time. I definitely recommend trying it.
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