Like any tool, use it before you need it to make sure it works. I found the design of these (and the rest of the Ti keys) to be well done and very accurate. These wrenches are not very long, which is usually good for motorcycle repairs. The ends are also a little thinner than my old Craftsman wrenches so they fit better in tight spaces. I recently used my 8mm wrench to bleed the brake lines when changing the fluid. Given the tight area I had to work in, the smaller wrench made the job that much easier. A lot of tinkering has been done with the bleeder screw but still no problems with the pipe attached to the vacuum bleeder. Made the job a lot easier than before. Most likely I will use this special key for this special job from now on. My only concern is that they have a reputation for being fragile. I can't say I've seen this on mine (and I've put some pressure on them to make sure they don't break in field use), but that "unknown" is there. I didn't deduct a star for that because I didn't see it. However, I highly recommend using wrenches and making sure they are in good condition before packing them on your bike. The Motion Pro tool failed again, and the company quickly replaced it. I don't see them being any different from these. One of the great things about titanium is that it doesn't conduct heat as well as steel. So you can use it with your bare hands on a hot engine or in cold weather and not worry as much as with steel tools. They are MUCH lighter than the wrenches that come with the CruzTools. Even after adding a few more to my tool kit, the end result is nearly a pound lighter than the factory-packaged CruzTool kit.