I can finally walk on carpet again! the study of a vacuum that would exhibit both high performance and LONG LIFE. Let me tell you, this is a vacuum for you. It's definitely more expensive than the standard Walmart/Target solution, but you'll seriously notice a big difference - I know I did. I live near one of the busiest ports in the United States. Trucks drive up and down the main roads leading to the freeway at night and during the day, and there are also several oil refineries nearby. It gets so much dust through all my windows that I can't walk barefoot on the carpet because I FEEL a film of dirt collecting on the carpet - it's so gross! Vacuum solutions, but none of them had the suction power to really pick up all the dirt, nor did they have the ability to switch between my kitchen/wooden floor below and my carpet above. That's when I found out that Europeans use these modular vacuums that have MUCH more suction power than our American upright models (*angry fists shakes at Europe*). I can't believe we Americans are losing to EUROPE. I will definitely write to my congressman about it. But I digress. While some say the HEPA model isn't as powerful as the regular model, a HEPA filter is definitely a must for my situation. Remember: Miele Vacuum is a bag-based system, which means you'll have to buy new bags and it takes some getting used to (not much, but it's different than what we Americans are used to) BUT the upside is that when you take it out of the bag CANNOT SPILL. You simply throw the bag away and replace it - done! Conclusion - I can finally walk barefoot on my carpets again. It was a GREAT investment 10/10 which I would recommend to everyone I know.