I have bought several different brands of these garment bags and they are by far the best. Others I found had cheap zippers that broke after opening/zipping once or twice. These zippers are very durable. The top of these bags is designed to protect clothing and is reinforced to prevent tearing. The bag is much thicker than other brands. My daughter has been competing with Miss America for 8 years (she is 21) and she has very expensive cocktail and evening dresses. These bags are the only bags I use for her dresses. All in all, since I found these bags, I don't use anything else. I keep almost all my clothes in garment bags, so I have a lot of experience with different bags. If you're looking for a great garment bag that will protect your clothes and last for years, then these garment bags are for you!
24 Giant Tubular Plastic Hanger - Super Duty, 24 Hangers, Proudly Made In The USA!
47 Review
2 Pack Foldable Large Storage Bags 28 X 20 X 12 (L X W X H) Inch For Comforter Quilt Blanket Clothes With Clear Window & Handles - Easy To Fit King Size Comforter Set - Closet Under Bed Organizer
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3-Pack PRANDOM Large Stackable Storage Bins W/ Lids: Decorative Boxes For Closet, Living Room & Bedroom (17.3X11.8X9.8")
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Xiaomi Suitcase, Polycarbonate, Support Legs on Side Wall, Reinforcement, 36 L, Size S, Gray Stars
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Onlyeasy Foldable Storage Bins Cubes Boxes With Lid - Storage Box Cube Cubby Basket Closet Organizer Pack Of 2 With Leather Handles For Closet Bedroom, 13" X 13", Linen-Like Grey, MXDLB2P
41 Review
6 Pack Black Cloth Storage Bins With Leather Handles And Label Holders - Foldable Cubes Organizer Container Basket Drawers For Bedroom Closet Toys Cubby Bookcase, 10.5"X10.5"X11", MXABS06PLP
51 Review
TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
31 Review
Set Of 3 PRANDOM Foldable Linen Fabric Storage Boxes With Lids - Collapsible Bins For Home, Office, Closet, Nursery - Organizer Containers With Covers (14.9X9.8X9.8 Inches)
28 Review