OK - my kit was short on pins, so not as pictured in the description - i'm taking off two starsyou may want to consult the obverse side of the PCB before soldering your pins in and only place pins connected on the PCB. fortunately i can easily make jumpers from wire cut from old thru-hole resistorsi have no idea why two 33-Ohm SMD resistors were includedtook a few minutes and i was able to quickly build a simple and accurate enough Open/Short/Load configurator using my nanovna's included two SMA cables and trio of calibration ends - fortuntately *that* kit, an H4, arrived with all partsnow i won't have to fumble in the field w/little bits and bobs when running SWR tests on portable antennas for HF operationsthis kit is convenient in that you don't have to scavenge for SMA jacks or perfboard - otherwise it is over-priced
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