My husband and I had been fantasizing about having something like this for a very long time, and we have never once regretted purchasing it. Purchased during the winter for between 32,000 and 33,000. I can't quite put my finger on it. We got two joysticks, a couple of disks, and sat down in front of the screen. Of course, the disks are pricey for it, but we understood very quickly that you can get them from your hands for a discount of two times as much. The graphics are nothing short of incredible. A depiction that is exceedingly accurate. I had SP when I was younger, and the memories of having it make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was a wonderful era, and I had a wonderful childhood. In comparison to the computer, I find that playing games on a console is one hundred times more exciting. Never really got the hang of how to play it. Now that we have more free time, we start playing SP whenever there is a lull in the action on screen. Especially helpful during the harsh winter months) Snuggling up under a warm blanket with a hot cup of tea or a stronger beverage)