I confess I didn't have the highest expectations for these cheap headphones - what can you really expect for less than 15 euros? - but Koss was a brand that seemed to excel at making affordable, surprisingly great-sounding headphones that were built to last. I have used Koss UR-20 headphones before and these things have failed for almost two decades! Sure, they ended up getting pretty dirty and the earcup material steadily deteriorated, but I've never had any issues with the wiring or the general build quality. Of course, when it came time to replace her, I didn't hesitate to go back to the Koss. However, this time I wanted something lighter, so I gave it a try. I don't know if this is a model or if Koss just isn't the brand they used to be, but they definitely lacked build quality. After six months the sheathing on the end next to the jack began to unravel and detach from the tether. It didn't seem to affect the sound, and if I just left them plugged in, it doesn't look like it would be a big issue. After a year I noticed that the sound crackled and sometimes cut out when I moved my head. A sure sign of a wiring problem. I couldn't determine where the problem was - the bottom of the jack, the top of the headphones, or anywhere along the cable - as I couldn't reliably do this by wiggling the cable. Gradually, however, the problem worsened until the headphones failed after only 2 years. Is that a reasonable lifespan for cheaper headphones? Well, that's subjective. I am personally very disappointed; I didn't count on decades, but at least I hoped for a good 3-5 years. A cheap, unknown brand? Sure, 2 years seems right, generous even. But I really expected better build quality from Koss. Build quality aside, the headphones were relatively comfortable - even with a larger head and with prolonged use - and the sound quality was pretty decent, especially considering the size and price. (However, the sound quality was actually what I expected from the brand.) To be honest, if the build quality was better, they would be easy to recommend. As it stands, however, I'd advise you to look elsewhere, or at least lower your expectations and accept that they might only last a year or two.
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