Although this diverter is partially plastic, I think it's strong enough to withstand a lot of hiking. It is very convenient to use it on external pipelines for washing and rinsing dishes, or washing dirty picnic tables or concrete slabs if you carry an extra hose and sink. We have a pop up and prefer to wash dishes, clothes, swimwear etc outside rather than using a sink inside the RV. Leave the clutter outside, park permitting, and hang your clothes on a clothesline. First connect the pressure reducer to the external hose connection of the camper. Then screw this outlet to it and then the hose that connects to the parking crane. You probably want to support the hose with something so its weight is too much when it's not on the connector. We prefer state parks or COE parks with flush toilets and hot water showers. I even take a shower head and wrench in case the water pressure is too low. I removed the shower head flow control and now it will kick you out of your cubicle! Haha! Some may remember the old episode of Seinfeld where Kramer buys an ultra-high-pressure showerhead on the black market while New York City forces apartment dwellers to reduce water pressure to save money. If you don't like public showers, you can use this switch to connect an outdoor shower. This is the second one I've bought. I left the old one at a campground in Texas. So I taught all family members to look around the camp to make sure we didn't forget anything before we left. When you work in a team, you might think someone else did the task, only to find out later that they assumed you would take care of it. By then you will be fifty miles down the road. Drive your truck up the driveway and then get out to see if you've parked on anything you'll need later. This diverter makes cleaning up on a hike easier and faster. Happy roads to you!
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