I like the shoes, they are comfortable, the sole is comfortable for walking. A little softer than I thought. These are leather shoes but they are not the highest quality leather. It's quite shiny as others have described, but it's not patent leather. Some of the photos where it falls apart remind me of Naugheid. High quality leather will not flake or peel as shown in the photos. I think it needs a little different care to keep it from cracking and splintering. A good non-oil skincare formula would probably work, but I'm no skin expert. I would like to point out that this is not oil tanned leather; This is dry, tanned skin, so you can't use oil-based shoe care products. These shoes are priced right and as always, you get what you pay for. In general, I am satisfied with them so far. I bought them as everyday shoes, not for everyday work. Bleeker St. Nunn Bush Men's Black Loafers 13 XW US
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