I was eventually able to sell it, which frees me up to write the truth now. Throwing money down the toilet. In business for a good number of years. Delivered safely to the master. He claimed that those who stitch their own clothes at home are highly arbitrary and that they do not have corrections. The differential adjustment represents the absolute limit of what can be extracted. If you sew one or two things for yourself every month, you will be able to dance dances while playing tambourines over it. There is an absence of stitches in the main jamb. On it, there is hardly any sort of fabric conveyor at all. It is not a conveyor if it consists of those two thin slats with teeth. Examine it using several types of industrial machinery. The result of this, along with the fact that the machine does not pull properly on thickenings (seams), results in stitches being skipped.
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