I like that they are very responsive when it comes time for me or my client's projects with issues/questions! They really do work hard at solving problems quickly while also providing great customer service in any situation (whether you're paying them money OR not). Sometimes things can be more clear about what is going wrong - sometimes this isn't immediately apparent after we talk through our options together but if there were something else within your control please let other people know so others could benefit from knowing too :) The website was having some performance challenges as well which caused downtime during peak business hours because of how much traffic came into one page vs another causing slow loading times across all pages etc., This has been resolved now though by adding additional services such an SSL certificate among many changes made since then including new servers / infrastructure along side several updates done via codebase upgrades + security patches applied. Communication skills were excellent. They got what I needed done by my deadline and it was exactly as advertised. The website is beautiful! It could have been more responsive - had trouble typing in some instances (notably when zoomed out). Great people who get results! Needing creative direction for an existing site that was not looking its best. They took charge of creating something better & much stronger from scratch.