I was a little apprehensive about purchasing this passage because someone in a review said the tangential screws had excessive play, that's not true there is a spring that keeps the pressure on the tangential screw so there is absolutely no play. I used a flag crossing for a 1280 foot fence with a hill in between. There were 3 survey pins, one at each end and one 400 feet from either end. My wife and I were able to line up one end with the 400ft pin, turn up the hill about 800ft and set the pin at the top. Then, using a 16-foot pool vacuum grip, set another pin about 75 feet above the mound. Then we moved and repositioned the passageway on the other end of the control pin and lined it up with the two pins installed, the fence came out perfectly straight. Vacuum handle for pool at 800 feet. I'm very happy with the performance of this Transit for the work I did and the price was less than a surveyor, but if you need to read accurate vertical or horizontal angles you should probably spend more and get a better Transit.