Our St. Bernard decided to give way to a whole colony of fleas without even asking us first! What a nightmare, but probably more for him than for us. Regular dog shampoo and even plain dish soap didn't help as the fleas were swimming in the soapy water. I was having a hard enough time keeping my poor dog in the tub and didn't have enough hands to control the little swimmers who would try to escape to live another day. This shampoo killed those fleas when they came in contact with the suds/soapy water AND removed "flea dirt" which is just a more acceptable term for poop. I was able to focus on shampooing his entire coat and the difference in flea kill was tenfold. It is great!
2-Pack Seresto Flea & Tick Collar For Large Dogs (Over 18 Pounds) - 8 Month Protection
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Seresto Small Dog Flea And Tick Collar - 8 Months Protection For Dogs Up To 18 Pounds (1 Pack)
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Seresto Flea And Tick Collar For Large Dogs (Over 18 Pounds) - 8-Month Protection, 1 Pack
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Seresto Flea & Tick Collar For Large Dogs + Small Dogs (2-Pack)
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🎩 Lanyarco Pet Costume Dog Holiday Hats: The Perfect Accessory for Small Animals and Dogs
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Dry dog food GO! Skin+Coat, for skin and coat health, lamb 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 11.3 kg
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🐾 Turtleneck Pet Sweater with Leash Hole - Cute Winter Knitwear for Small Dogs and Cats with Snowflake Pattern - Cold Weather Clothes Outfit by BINGPET
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Dry dog food Pro Plan for large breeds with sensitive digestion with lamb 14 kg
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